Greg Day 4 Carlsbad

Public Safety

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Public Safety

Public safety and crime are my top priorities.  Like most of us, nothing is more important to me than the safety of my family, my children, and my home.  In a time when California’s top law enforcement seems to be showing a light attitude towards crime, we need to ensure that Carlsbad gives our police force the utmost support and backing in enforcing all the laws that keep us safe.  


Prop. 36 will be on this ballot and it restores criminal statutes changed a decade ago with the failed Prop. 47.  Prop. 47 decreased the sentencing consequences for burglary, rape, robbery and many other serious and violent crimes.  It was sold as a compassionate way to deal with offenders, but it led to the violent home invasions we see in our area and the “smash and grab” crimes experienced at the local Carlsbad Outlet mall. 


I firmly support Prop. 36, and when it is approved in November, I will work towards its implementation in Carlsbad.